Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Memories from the 2000s

Here's a few pictures from the early 2000s...


  1. GAW i love this camp, been going since 1st grade, im now in 11th...

    pure joy the day we drive 5 hours to get there, when we pass the soccer field, we nearly blow the ear drums out Mr. Jays head, (our driver) haha it's such and amazing week, i think the BEST week of the year

  2. I went as a kid. I guess 88 or 89 would have been the last year I went. It was fantastic

  3. Best week of my life!!! I remember it like it was yesterday......I gave my life to Christ on the last evening we were there, in the little church on the hill. The preacher was an elderly "white-headed" man.....
    Its been a heck of a ride since then.
    It had to be between 1987 and 1989......I'm 35 now....
